Friday, July 1, 2011

A Week in Cake

This week was a lot of cake for a lot of different occasions. I made a total of four cakes in two days, with one day of prep.
Monday: Preparations & Planning
I started by shopping for everything I needed to complete this week of cake. I needed powdered sugar, butter, eggs, and cake mix. I ended having to shop for that stuff... everyday. But, at least I'm the Mayor of my local grocery store... and I'm pretty close to taking the Mayorship of a Jo-Ann's...
I also took the rest of that day to make a few decisions about what I was going to do, when I was going to do it, and how it was going to be done. But I just as quickly kicked that aside in the progress of the week. I certainly did plan to purchase the wrong cake mix... twice. And I certainly didn't mean to give my mom the last eggs I had for tuna salad. Those things just happen. But, nothing that can't be fixed.
Tuesday: Fondant Swirl Cake
Fondant Swirl Cake
I worked with fondant for the first time. And made a few discoveries about it. 1. I don't like it. 2. It tastes terrible. 3. It makes a pretty cake. I don't get it. It's so pretty but its so gross. It's thick, has an awful texture, and is generally unpleasant. It makes for a pretty cake though. This has been one of my favorites so far. So, I am generally pleased with the cake.

The good thing about the fondant is that it comes off of the cake pretty well. My family, who I make test all of my confections, had no trouble pulling it off of their pieces of cake. So I considered it a success. Some of them even dove into the fondant and ate it. To each their own, I guess.

Wednesday: Fondant Striped Cake
Fondant Striped Cake
This cake was a labor of love. And I can honestly say, it is my favorite up to this day. I enhanced my fondant working skills (it still tastes awful) and got to use some fancy tools. So I call it a win.

This cake got some pretty rave reviews from the Small Group that meets at my house every week. They all seemed to like it, and we even talked some people into eating the fondant. Poor kids. It was a successful cake to which all other cakes I make will be compared... by me, in my head. Judging.

Thursday: Bikini Cake
Bikini Cake
Thursday was my middle brother, Trey's birthday. My family and I (with help from his girlfriend) planned a Luau themed party for him. While discussing the party and what would be served the question of cake was thrown at me. My Mom and Dad had the idea of a Bikini Cake and asked me if I was willing to do it. And because I like a challenge, I accepted. My Mom, Dad, and I hit the internet to look for ideas on how to form the chest. There were a ton of suggestions ranging from carved cake to.. Jell-O. We took the middle road and decided on coconut covered snack cakes. She turned out to be a little more... umm... chesty... than we initially expected. But, she was a success.

Funny thing is... we never named her. Huh. But she has definitely been one of the strangest cakes I've ever made.
Friday: Sleep In, Eat Leftover Cake, and Blog
And here we are. Eating cake and blogging. My glorious life. My oldest bother, Patrick's birthday is Sunday. And he had an even stranger birthday request: pie. My specialty. No problem.

Until next time,


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