Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wilton 1.2, Soft Bake Pretzels, & Wilton 1.3

This past week has been hectic. With zero time to stop and think about anything other than my to do list, and unfortunately, blogging never made it to the top. So in my spare time, here it is.

Wilton 1.2
First of all, I want to start by saying that these classes are proving more difficult than I once expected. A lot harder. This is the first cake that is required to be made by my Wilton Course. It's a cake, topped with a giant cupcake. This cake started off bad.
When attempting to ice the cake I had a mini temper tantrum because for some reason my icing wasn't crystalizing. Turned out to be my fault. Another problem I had was the wrong type and flavor of shortening. I was introduced to the shortening sticks and have fallen head over heels for them. The problem with my first time using them: I bought butter flavored. And that, mixed with vanilla, tasted awful.
My second problem was the color of my cake. It was supposed to be blue, but I iced it with a beige icing (thanks to the butter flavored shortening) because I was running out of time. So when I got to the class I purchased a misting spray and gave the cake a heavy coat. I think it still hasn't dried.
Everything else for this cake worked out okay with some trial and error.

Soft Baked Pretzels
This has been something that has been on my mind for a while. I attempted (and was victorious) bread making, so it's time to shake things up a little more. I found the recipe on and they were pretty simple. The hardest part was twisting them and keeping them twisted when soaking them in the baking soda bath, which was difficult all on it's own.
The recipe yielded twelve pretzels, and I left three plain, salted three, baked three with cheese, and the last three were drizzled in cinnamon and sugar before baking.
They were a hit. I think this will be a repeat recipe.

Wilton 1.3
Wilton 1.3 is about cupcakes. And if there is one thing I can do, it's a cupcake. Cupcakes are the closest thing to a pie you can get in the cake world (they are both baked in a tin...) and I know pies.
The cupcakes in the picture aren't the ones from class. They are cupcakes made from the lessons I learned in class that night. They are pretty basic, a buttercream top to some yellow cake. And, I found a use for the rest of that blue spray from the Wilton 1.2.
Time to sign up for my next class: Elements of Cake Design and Flowers! Oh, and go back to college. There is always that, too.

Until next time,


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Banana Cake

Banana Cake
I was asked to make a cake for my parent's small group, as I am every week. It's something I am always very happy to do. But this day was an exception. I've recently joined a gym, and as a perk of joining I was given an free hour of personal training and consultation with a trainer.

The problem: I haven't exercised since Middle School. I've never found the time. It was harder than anything I've ever had to go through. But, on the plus side he didn't yell at me, which is always nice.

I was so tired and so sore after I left that this cake all of sudden seemed like a punishment rather than one of my favorite hobbies. So I took to the store and did the one thing I haven't done in a good long while: Canned Frosting. I got home, creamed three bananas, mixed a cake batter, added the bananas, and baked.

After frosting I opened that icing and it was like everything in the world was right, and that is a good feeling. However, I have homework for my cake decorating class this weekend. I have to make icing, cover a cake board, and bake a single layered cake with white buttercream. Piece of cake... right?

Until next time,


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wilton Class 1.1

Last night I participated in my first Wilton class. It was a very basic and overview of baking and icing. However, I did learn a good bit of stuff I didn't know. I am excited to try some of this stuff out.

The instructor has a wonderful working knowledge of cake baking and decorating. She taught some really innovative ways on how to ice cakes without picking up crumbs. Something that I have been unable to figure out in my time baking cakes. She also introduced the class to some pretty essential tools that I have been missing. Like a cake leveler. For those who know what those are, they're amazing, right? I also plan to invest in a turn table. Turntables don't seem to be incredibly essential, but I want one.

Something else I am very excited about is learning to cover cake boards. There are a lot of different methods that I've found. But the one I was taught last night is simple, fast, and produces a fantastic and crisp look. I can't wait to try it out.

I have a cake to bake for tomorrow. My best costumer, my Mom, has asked me to make a cake for the small group. I'm excited to try out the new Wilton Buttercream Recipe.

On another note, I did join a gym, and have already been tempted by cake. This is going to take a lot of will power. But, I think I can do it.

Until next time,


Friday, July 8, 2011

A Baking Slump

I am saddened to say that I have been in a baking slump. After my week of cake the last thing I wanted to do was to make another ounce of buttercream or sugary confection. So for the past week I have only baked one cake, a lemon zest cake. I baked it sheerly because I wanted some cake and I didn't even wait long enough to take a picture. 

My cake decorating class begins on Monday and I am really excited about it. I just found out that this class has a final exam, and if this is anything like college I'll need to study. Speaking of college, I received my official letter of acceptance from the University of South Florida yesterday. I am going to finish my Bachelor's degree in Political Science, so baking is going to have to take a temporary back burner for the next year. But, I promise, even if it is just a promise to myself, that I won't give up on baking. It is something I love to do. Not that education isn't something I value, but baking is something I can do for other people, and I like doing things for others. 

I've also considered joining a gym. Because it makes total sense for someone who has written two separate blogs (My Life of Pie & Baking My Way) about baking to join a gym. I feel like I would cheat on a diet, how could I not? Quality Assurance adds on those pounds. 

But enough about me. 

Until next time, 


Friday, July 1, 2011

A Week in Cake

This week was a lot of cake for a lot of different occasions. I made a total of four cakes in two days, with one day of prep.
Monday: Preparations & Planning
I started by shopping for everything I needed to complete this week of cake. I needed powdered sugar, butter, eggs, and cake mix. I ended having to shop for that stuff... everyday. But, at least I'm the Mayor of my local grocery store... and I'm pretty close to taking the Mayorship of a Jo-Ann's...
I also took the rest of that day to make a few decisions about what I was going to do, when I was going to do it, and how it was going to be done. But I just as quickly kicked that aside in the progress of the week. I certainly did plan to purchase the wrong cake mix... twice. And I certainly didn't mean to give my mom the last eggs I had for tuna salad. Those things just happen. But, nothing that can't be fixed.
Tuesday: Fondant Swirl Cake
Fondant Swirl Cake
I worked with fondant for the first time. And made a few discoveries about it. 1. I don't like it. 2. It tastes terrible. 3. It makes a pretty cake. I don't get it. It's so pretty but its so gross. It's thick, has an awful texture, and is generally unpleasant. It makes for a pretty cake though. This has been one of my favorites so far. So, I am generally pleased with the cake.

The good thing about the fondant is that it comes off of the cake pretty well. My family, who I make test all of my confections, had no trouble pulling it off of their pieces of cake. So I considered it a success. Some of them even dove into the fondant and ate it. To each their own, I guess.

Wednesday: Fondant Striped Cake
Fondant Striped Cake
This cake was a labor of love. And I can honestly say, it is my favorite up to this day. I enhanced my fondant working skills (it still tastes awful) and got to use some fancy tools. So I call it a win.

This cake got some pretty rave reviews from the Small Group that meets at my house every week. They all seemed to like it, and we even talked some people into eating the fondant. Poor kids. It was a successful cake to which all other cakes I make will be compared... by me, in my head. Judging.

Thursday: Bikini Cake
Bikini Cake
Thursday was my middle brother, Trey's birthday. My family and I (with help from his girlfriend) planned a Luau themed party for him. While discussing the party and what would be served the question of cake was thrown at me. My Mom and Dad had the idea of a Bikini Cake and asked me if I was willing to do it. And because I like a challenge, I accepted. My Mom, Dad, and I hit the internet to look for ideas on how to form the chest. There were a ton of suggestions ranging from carved cake to.. Jell-O. We took the middle road and decided on coconut covered snack cakes. She turned out to be a little more... umm... chesty... than we initially expected. But, she was a success.

Funny thing is... we never named her. Huh. But she has definitely been one of the strangest cakes I've ever made.
Friday: Sleep In, Eat Leftover Cake, and Blog
And here we are. Eating cake and blogging. My glorious life. My oldest bother, Patrick's birthday is Sunday. And he had an even stranger birthday request: pie. My specialty. No problem.

Until next time,


Friday, June 24, 2011

Whoopie Pies

Whoopie Pies
Many of you may know that I was once a pie maker for a restaurant. And in my lifetime of baking I have made, probably, a few thousand pies. In fact I would venture to say about three thousand in my eight months of pie making. But these cookies... err... these pies are the first of their kind.

There is nothing about them that actually constitutes a pie. They are more of a cookie made of cake batter. So my theory on how they got their name deviates from its confusing beginnings. Its made from cake mix and baked like a cookie. So naturally, we'll call it a pie.

They really are pretty tasty. I wanted to use up some extra buttercream, but I am bit tired of cake. And next week will be cake filled (people are putting in orders!) due to Small Group and a party for my Mom's work. So I decided to make Whoopie Pies. They are just like Oreo Cakesters, remember those?

The cookie is soft, and has a gritty taste. Probably due to the brown sugar that is added. It turned to be a pretty yummy recipe that will get us through until tomorrow, hopefully. This is the earliest I have finished one of my baked goods this week! How exciting!

I'm off to plan some cake designs for next week. Apparently you can't just go into cake baking and decorating blindly. You've got to put some thought into it.

Until next time,


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Homemade Bread

Homemade Bread
This week has definitely been a week of firsts for me. My first time making buttercream, my first time making royal icing, my first buttercream rose, and now, my first loaves of homemade bread.

I was reading, like all normal young people do, about how to make bread. And one website called a "humbling recipe". That it is. I have made some difficult confections in my life, but nothing can compare with fresh bread. And truly, I don't think I got this one perfect. I think I was close, but perfect and close aren't the same thing.

It was supposed to be a simple white bread. It is more like a sourdough bread. The crust is a bit more firm and the bread a lot more dense. But it doesn't taste like sourdough. It tastes like dense white bread.

So, I think that I did a pretty good job on my first bread. It wasn't until I had already decided to make this from scratch that my Mom said "Ryan, we have a bread making machine," and I retorted "I don't need a machine, I am a machine." I opened the cabinet and looked at the bread machine during the process. I felt it laughing at me. Taunting me with its experience of bread making. Well bread machine, look at me now. You have been replaced.

Until next time,


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Purple & White Buttercream Cake

Purple & White Buttercream Cake

This is my first of what I suspect will be MANY cakes. It was a two day process, the first day was me practicing roses and practicing making buttercream frosting. I've nailed the buttercream. Got that down pat. The roses, on the other hand, are proving to be a bit more difficult. They look more like blooming cabbage to me, but I've always been a little critical of my own work. I'm taking a decorating class in July to expand my talents in the cake industry. The first class covers roses, but I wanted to get the leg up. So I went to the one place that could teach you how to do anything... youtube. And with little to no guidance I managed to make six globs of buttercream that resemble some sort of flower.

One problem that I'm running into is finding occasions for which to bake. You can only convince people that "I made a cake because it is Tuesday" so many times without looking like you've lost it. But, luckily for me Wednesday is my no-other-reason-to-bake-than-because-its-Wednesday day. My parents host a small group Bible study at our house three Wednesdays out of the month. And every Wednesday I take that opportunity to bake something for the fellowship time that follows. 

They think I do it to be nice, and I do. But I have my own motives. I, not so secretly, use them as a testing group for icing, cake flavors, and other odd recipes. Turns out the group is filled with a medley of talented bakers who are looking to help me out. All-in-all they are a pretty great bunch of people... who we force feed my attempts at confectionary greatness. But, they don't seem to mind, they all come back week after week. 

 And, for the record, I am the Mayor of Small Group... even though I don't attend, thank you FourSquare. 

Until next time, 


Monday, June 20, 2011

Sugar Cookie Daisies

Sugar Cookie Daisies
Cookies have always been a pick me up for me. They remind me of Christmas, and that is a thought most everyone can enjoy. But more than Christmas they remind me of family and friends.

These cookies were inspired. I made them with a friend in mind. She's quite fond of daisies. So when I discovered she had a rough day I did my best to make them as perfect as possible.

Well perfect isn't really my style... I wish it was. So I ended up with two different color flowers, which I consider a happy accident. I went to lunch half way through the icing process and had to loosen my icing when I got home. So the icing is a tad bit lighter.

All-in-all I am happy with how these sugar cookies came out. I'm pretty sure I got a vigorous workout from mixing the icing. Who says baking can't be healthy?

Until next time,


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Oreo Buttercream Cupcakes

Oreo Buttercream Cupcakes
 I decided that for my first post on this blog I would try something I've never been brave enough to do: make my own buttercream... from scratch. 

I wasn't brave enough to go into this blindly. A few people I work with have made buttercream and gave me some advice, and with a few extra splashes of milk and a little extra powdered sugar I did it.  

I wanted to give my buttercream a little something extra. I decided that I would crush Oreo cookies and blend them into the buttercream. At first the crushed cookie pieces disappeared, they were there... just to small to notice. So I took to adding more, this time not quite as crushed. That helped. It reminded me of a cookies-n-cream ice cream. I took the cupcakes to work for a Father's Day Party and they received rave reviews, so in general I'm happy. 

The only thing I wish I could do over would be to use a piping bag and large tip to frost them. I started using one but the added cookie pieces made it nearly impossible for the buttercream to go through the tip, so I resorted to a good ole' fashioned inverted spatula. 

An easy recipe to start me off. I am no where near an "experienced baker." But for now I'm content to say that I am merely an "adventurous baker."

Until next time, 
